Detail Make Over Brand Launch

As a beauty blogger, I make sure that I am updated with the latest beauty products in the market. Recently, matte lipsticks made a huge impact in the beauty industry. Everyone was talking about matte lippies. And although I'm not a fan of matte lipsticks since my lips are super dry, I decided to give it a try. The very first liquid matte lipstick that I've tried is the one from Cosmetix Unlimited. Unlike most matte lipsticks that I've tired, this one does not caused too much drying of my lips.
Loving this pink and black theme
Recently, I was invited by a friend who is also a beauty blogger for the brand launch of a cosmetics line. Little did I know that it was the re-branding of the makeup brand that I used to love. Detail Make Over officially launched its cosmetics products last July 16 at Brickyard Kitchen in Quezon City. The event was attended by beauty bloggers and vbloggers and also some models and celebrities. This promising make up brand believes that everyone should learn how to embrace their flaws and emphasize their best features through the use of makeup products. The team behind Detail Make Over has given so much time and effort to come up with product lines that not only makes them more beautiful but also to present their individuality and creativity as well.

Here are some of Detail Make Over's products
Detail Make Over marketing and brand manager, Monika De Veas sharing to the audience their budget friendly but quality products.
These cosmetics are manufactured in China, all of which have passed the Philippine FDA standards. To add more, these high-quality beauty products are also cruelty-free. Packaging of Detail Make Over products is black because they wanted to create a mind set that makeup is not just for women. They believed that anyone can use beauty products regardless of gender.
Detail Make Over products include the famous matte liquid lipsticks, blush, contour and highlight palette, and brow palette. Detail Make Over is located in 20 Cosmetix Unlimited Kiosks in different malls in Metro Manila and some nearby provinces.
With one of my favorite beauty blogger, Ms. Say Tioco
Ms. De Veas announcing the winner for the best glam rock outift
Congratulations Ms. Monika De Veas and to the entire team for a very successful and fun brand launching!