Welcome 2017!!!

by - January 01, 2017

My 2016 has been one crazy ride. I hit rock bottom, especially when it comes to work. I got retrenched in June from a company I was working with for nearly 3 years. It affected my finances big time! From then on, I have been to 5 different companies in a span of 5 months, 2 of which I got terminated due to non-performance.

In 2016, I also lost important people as well as valuable things in my life. I learned that we cannot force people to stay in our lives no matter how hard we try. There were times when I find myself reflecting on how life has been cruel to me. But still, I have to wake up every day for my two boys. And they are the ones that keep me going. I am a firm believer that love will always be reciprocated. If not today, then sometime in the future.

I have learned that most of the time, things will not turn out the way we wanted them to be. All we can do is to accept and move on.

That's what I am going to do this 2017. To let go of the past and to bring with me all the lessons I've learned along the way.

Welcome, 2017! Happy New Year everyone!

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