Circle Coin Philippines Kick Off Party

by - January 29, 2017

Recently, Circle Coin Navi (CCNAVI) Philippines has introduced to the public a new currency through their Kick Off Party held at KPub BBQ, BGC on January 28, 2017.
KPub BBQ is a well know meat-all-you-can Korean restaurant  in the country.
Registration started at 5:00PM

My fearless selfie for the night  (Photo Credit: CCNAVI official photos)
  Some of the raffle prizes that night includes wireless headsets, Bluetooth speakers, VR box, Bluetooth headset, hotel accommodation and flat screen television.
Circle Coin is a digital currency that was developed as a payment method. It is the first hybrid digital currency to introduce mileage program. Circle coin aims to be a tool to enrich people's lives and not just to be known as a currency.

One can earn 10-30 mileage for every member introduced, with at least PHP2000 purchase of XCC per referral. Mileage services can be used for a minimum of 300 miles. Mileage points can be use in travelling, lottery. and even binary options.

Aside from inexpensive handling fees, you can also use Circle Coin 24/7 as long as you have an internet connection.

 (Photo Credit: CCNAVI official photos)

 It was a night of Korean buffet, music, prizes and fun! 

 Aside from Circle Coin members, media people and bloggers to cover the event, there were also guests from Japan and Vietnam.

Overall, the kick-off party was great! They have an organize registration process and the staff is really helpful. The food was superb, except that I will have to do some workouts to compensate for what I have eaten. The performers and the hosts were all awesome! Thank you, Circle Coin for having me in your Kick Off Party. It was a blast!

Visit and like their official Facebook Page to know more about Circle Coin.

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