Lusung Optical: Your Eye's Bestfriend

by - March 03, 2017

I have always envied those with 20-20 vision. I am not sure if those with clear eyesight are aware of the importance of our vision. But for someone who has been using glasses for ages now, I surely know the real value of our eyes.

I started using graded glasses when I was in first year high school. It was one of my teachers who advised me to have my eyes checked as she can sense my difficulties in reading what is written on the board even if I'm already seated in front. I have been using glasses since then. I tried to visit an optometrist at least once a year to check if I need to adjust my grade.

All of my visit to different optometrists will only check if I need to have new pair of glasses and if my case has improved or worsened.
This made me surprised with the advocacy of Lusung Optical's owner, Dr. Allanjun M. Lusung. Contratry to what most people believed in, Dr. Allanjun would like to show everyone that Optometrist is not just doctors who customized and prescribed eyeglasses. He believes that a comprehensive check up should be done and provide therapy or referrals if needed. Those requiring eye surgery can be referred to Ophthalmologist. He also emphasized the importance of having eye check up at least once a year for those who do not have any eye problems and every 6 months for those who are already wearing corrective glasses.
Dr. Allanjun placed Top 8 in the Optometry Licensure Examinations in 2012. 

Different colors and designs and I'm sure there's one that will suit you best!

And after almost an hour, I finally found my new glasses =)

Lusung Optical
043 Katuparan, Quezon City, 1121 Metro Manila

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