The pandemic health issue on Covid-19 has drastically affected the global economy. In the attempt to flatten the curve, most countries (if not all) are still on lockdown. In the Philippines, we have been on Enhanced Community Quarantine (ECQ) for more than a month now. And now that it has been extended again, most people are thinking of ways to be productive or kill boredom at the very least. I have run down things that you can try while staying at home for the time being.
Upskill Yourself
More than ever now is the best time to learn new things and develop new skills. We have all the time to absorb new knowledge which will be useful someday either for or personal or career growth. If you are lucky, you even get certified and that is something that you can add to your resume. Here are some websites you can visit for free online courses:
Not sure if you have a green thumb and uncertain if gardening is for you? To be honest, planting or gardening is not just about being successful in growing plants. There are skills you develop by just starting to plant. When you decide to grow your very first plant, you will feel different emotions including excitement, happiness, hopefulness, and even anxiety and these are all normal. Growing a plant takes time and this develops patience. All plants would have different needs. Some would need more sunlight while some would thrive on air. And no matter what their needs are, you try to address these needs so they soon develop into a healthy plant. You would get up early morning to make sure they get enough sunlight and water them when they looked dry. And before you knew it, you already developed a caring attitude to these wonderful creations. After weeks or months of taking care of these plants, you feel a sense of fulfillment once you see the seeds slowly growing tiny leaves. It will be more relaxing if you see flowers or fruits.
Staying Fit
Now that we are all stuck in our homes, we tend to develop a routine of the eat-sleep cycle and these activities will give us extra pounds in no time. Doing simple exercises would not just trim down excessive fats but would make our body healthier and our immune system stronger. In times like these, it’s best to watch out for our health, and doing some fitness activities is one way to boost our health. Add fruits, vegetable, and natural juice to your diet and see how it would benefit you in the long run.
Reading Books
Many are guilty of buying books either because they were on sale or because they thought they have the luxury of time to read all these. Either way, you ended up with piles of books that have been sitting there for quite a while already. Dig up those bookshelves and put out these treasures. When you’ve got nothing to do, try to read a page or two. Reading works in many ways by killing boredom and also improving grammar, sentence composition, and even spelling.
Spending Time With Loved Ones
This one is basic but before the lockdown, we are all busy with our lives. Now is the best time to spend quality time with our family and loves ones. Cook their favorite dish and have a catch up over lunch. Have a movie marathon together. It would make your bond stronger and more than ever now is the time to get support from each other. Check on each other and offer help if needed.